Summary of JOIE article (First View, 07 October 2019) by Danko Tarabar, Assistant Professor of Economics, College of Business Administration, Winthrop University. The full article is available on the JOIE website. In recent years, culture underwent somewhat of a renaissance in the comparative development literature, largely owing to Douglass North’s seminal work on institutions as well…
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Article Summary: “The Punitive Consequences of Organizational Structures in England, France and the United States”, Daniel J. D’Amico and Claudia Williamson
Summary of JOIE article (Volume 15 (2) 2019) by Daniel J. D’Amico, Associate Director, The Political Theory Project and Lecturer in Economics, Brown University, and Claudia Williamson, Associate Professor of Economics and the Drew Allen Endowed Fellow at Mississippi State University. The article is open access and available on the JOIE website Multiple empirical studies have now…
Article Summary: Pure theory and progressive liberalism: Frank Fetter and the Austrian economists,” Matthew McCaffrey
Summary of JOIE article (First View, 04 October 2019) by Mathew McCaffrey, Lecturer in Enterprise, Alliance Manchester Business School. The full article is available on the joie website In the fifty years spanning 1900-1950, Frank Albert Fetter was one of best-known economists in the United States. He was especially notable for his path-breaking research in…
Article Summary: “Institutional development, transaction costs and economic growth: evidence from a cross-country investigation” Mitja Kovač and Rok Spruk
Summary of JOIE article (Volume 12(1) 2016) by Mitja Kovač, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana and Rok Spruk, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. The article is open access and available on the JOIE website Understanding why some countries grow and others fail to do so is one of the…
Article Summary: “Conspicuous Consumption, Sexual Selection, and Social Institutions: The Darwinian Dynamic Thorstein Veblen Missed,” Jon D. Wisman
Summary of JOIE Article (Volume 15(1) February 2019), by Jon D. Wisman, Professor, Department of Economics, American University, Washington D.C. The full article is available on the JOIE website Of Veblen’s contributions to social science, two are foundational to the others: 1) His recognition of the necessity to ground social science in biology, a domain…
Article Summary: “Rules, perception and emotion: When do institutions determine behaviour?” Brendan Markey-Towler
Summary of JOIE article (First View, 16 November 2019) by Brendan Markey-Towler, Affiliated researcher, RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub. The full article is available on the JOIE website In my recent paper, newly available online in the Journal of Institutional Economics, I develop a complete, coherent theory of how institutions obtain their hold over our behaviour. Drawing…
Social and scientific disorder as epistemic phenomena, or the consequences of government dietary guidelines
Summary of JOIE article (First View, 23 October 2018) by Scott Scheall College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Arizona State University, William N. Butos, Department of Economics, Trinity College, Hartford and Thomas McQuade, Independent Scholar, Honolulu. The article is open access and available on the JOIE website Science is a process, and scientific knowledge emerges out of the interactions…
Article Summary: “From Coercion to Compensation: Institutional Responses to Labour Scarcity in the Central African Copperbelt” Dácil Juif and Ewout Frankema
Summary of Article Published in Volume 14, Special Issue 2 (Colonial Institutions and African Development) in April 2018 by Dácil Juif, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and Ewout Frankema, Wageningen University. The full article is available here. The Central African Copperbelt offers a fascinating case for a comparative study of colonial institutional development. We conducted…
Article Summary: “The failure of ancient Greek growth: institutions, culture and energy cost” George Tridimas
Summary of article published in First View, Journal of Institutional Economics on 21st June 2018, by George Tridimas, Ulster Business School, Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics. The full article is available on the JOIE website Recent research has shown that over the period 800-300 BCE ancient Greece experienced significant population growth and substantial improvement in…
Article Summary: “Taxonomic Definitions in Social Science” Geoffrey M. Hodgson
Summary of Hodgson, Geoffrey M. (2018) ‘Taxonomic Definitions in Social Science, with Firms, Markets and Institutions as Case Studies’, Journal of Institutional Economics, published online. Forthcoming in issue 15(2), April 2019. DOI: 10.1017/S1744137418000334. By Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Loughborough University London, UK. This paper is open access and is available HERE. Introduction Definitions are crucial for social science. This…