Dear Readers and Contributors The “JOIE Reviewer of the Year” prize was instituted in 2019. On the first occasion for this award, the prize of £500 was shared between two people. Starting this year (2020) two reviewers of the year will be selected for each year, and be awarded £400 each. The two JOIE Reviewers…
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Economic Cognitive Institutions
Summary of JOIE article (First View, 6 April 2020) by Enrico Petracca, School of Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Bologna and Shaun Gallagher, Department of Philosophy, University of Memphis and Faculty of Law, Humanities and Arts, University of Wollongong. The full article is available on the JOIE website. Institutional theory grapples with ontological issues…
Traditional Law in Times of the Nation State: Why is it so Prevalent?
Summary of JOIE article (First View, 18 March 2020) by Jerg Gutmann and Stefan Voigt, Institute of Law and Economics, University of Hamburg). The full article is available on the JOIE website. The existence of traditional law is frequently associated with pre-modern, pre-nation state institutions. Max Weber (1919) famously defined the state as an organization…
Reassessing the Dependence of Capitalism on Democracy – the Case of Imperial Germany and the Weimar Republic
Summary of JOIE article (First View, 20 January 2020) by Gerhard Wegner, Lehrstuhl für Institutionenökonomie und WirtschaftspolitikStaatswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Erfurt. The full article is available on the JOIE website. Recent approaches in institutional economics emphasize the dependence of capitalism on democracy. Acemoglu/Robinson (2012) argue that only inclusive political institutions will establish inclusive economic institutions which…
The Religious Origins of the Rule of Law
Summary of JOIE Article by Peter J. Hill, Professor Emeritus Wheaton College, Senior Fellow, Property and Environment Research Center. Full article available on the JOIE website. In any discussion of the beginnings of modern economic growth the concept of the rule of law plays a crucial role. In Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for…
Experienced People have the least Faith in Institutions
Summary of JOIE article (First View, 14 January 2020) by Benito Arruñada, Pompeu Fabra University and BGSE, Barcelona. The full article is available on the JOIE website. Experienced people, those who get in touch with rule-of-law institutions, perceive that they work worst. Therefore, optimism on the functioning of institutions seems to be the privilege of the inexperienced, especially of…
The Origins of Buchanan’s Views on Federalism, Chicago 1946-1947
Summary of JOIE article (First View, 26 December 2019) by Alain Marciano, Professeur d’Économie, Directeur Scientifique de Montpellier Recherche en Économie. The full article is available on the JOIE website James Buchanan was a longstanding advocate of federalism. Contrary to some accounts, he did not first defend federalism in the 1950s, in response to the desegregation…
“Mauss’s Gift, or The Necessity of an Institutional Perspective in Economics
Summary of JOIE article (First View, 29 October 2019) by Mario Aldo Cedrini, Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica “Cognetti de Martiis”, Università di Torino, Angela Ambrosino, Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica “Cognetti de Martiis”, Università di Torino, Roberto Marchionatti, Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica “Cognetti de Martiis”, Università di Torino and Alain Caillè, Laboratoire Sophiapol, Université…
Fighting on Christmas: Brawling as Self-Governance in Rural Peru
Summary of JOIE article (First View, 19 September 2019) by Edwar E. Escalante, Lecturer of Economics, Department of Accounting, Economics, and Finance at Angelo State University, and Raymond J. March, Assistant Professor, Agribusiness and Applied Economics, North Dakota State University. The full article is available on the JOIE website. If, like Frank Constanza, you have ever felt something…
Article Summary: “The Political Economy of (De)Regulation: Theory and Evidence from the US Electricity Industry”
Summary of JOIE article (First View, 11 September 2018) by Carmine Guerriero, “Rita Levi-Montalcini” Associate Professor (RTDb),Department of Economics, University of Bologna. The full article is available on the JOIE website. Introduction Although the idea that competition helps reach allocative efficiency to the detriment of investment-inducement has been discussed at length (Acemoglu et al., 2006; Vives,…