Sveriges Riksbank Prizes in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
After the recent announcement in October 2024, there are now 11 Nobel Laureates cited for work in institutional economics (broadly defined):
2024 Daron Acemoglu
2024 Simon Johnson
2024 James A. Robinson
2009 Elinor Ostrom
2009 Oliver E. Williamson
1993 Douglass C. North
1991 Ronald H. Coase
1986 James M. Buchanan
1978 Herbert A. Simon
1974 Friedrich A. Hayek
1974 Gunnar Myrdal
In celebration of these achievements in institutional economics, the editors of the Journal of Institutional Economics issues this call for papers.
We are asking for papers that focus on at least three Nobel Laureates on this list and offer critical evaluations of their work and its impact.
Please take into account these Notes for Contributors before submitting your article:
There is no deadline for submissions. Accepted articles will be published as an ongoing series.